Saturday, October 31, 2009


I know I haven't posted this before, so many of you don't know that I have been selling BeautiControl make-up and spa products for that last 6 years. I'm not a very good saleswomen;) But I thought I would broadcast it now.....

I love their make-up and just about anything I have tried. So I thought I would just post some of the sales that we are having in November! If you are interested in it, you can go online to or leave me an email at

November Sales:

Lip Apeel (reg 19.50) @ 16.55
Spa Sugar Lotion 9reg 15.50) @ 13.50
Lip Glosses (reg 14.00) @ 11.20 (nov 1-19)
Liquid eye Liner (reg 9.50) @ 8.05
Spectulash Thickening primer and maximum length (reg 18.50) @ 15.70
Some items from the following collections are also on sale.
Spa Sugar collection
Spa Brown sugar collection
Show of Hands



Monday, October 26, 2009

Someday this will be funny.......

NOT TODAY!!!!!!! This is a hairdresser's worst nightmare! I could have blended it in using a number on guard on top, but then he would have looked like a cancer patient. So I just used a # 1 around the sides and back and a #2 on top. At least we don't have any pictures coming up.....
Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day :-[
Oh and that is marker on his face....I don't want you to get the wrong idea! Notice he's not smiling......he knew better! It's only hair...I know! Someday I will laugh at this.
Oh and this happened in the van after we took supper out to Scott. I stopped at the farm to get something from Clara and I made the kids stay in the van because they had their pj's on. I forgot to take my trimmers and stuff out of the van after cutting my father-in-laws hair a couple of weeks ago.....I guess I have learned my lesson.


Shed update.....

Here are the most recent pictures of the shed. So far we are pretty pleased with the way things are going. Scott really hasn't been able to walk in the shed :) I am also happy with the colors of the shed. It is so hard to look at swatches and choose your color. I am hoping they will get the rest of the tin up tomorrow. They acted as though they will still be here on Wednesday....... not sure how much longer it will take. I picked up scraps of lumber, tin, and nails and swept it again tonight. It felt good to be outside instead of inside studying :) We are excited to be almost done!

This is the South end of the shed.

Thanks for looking! Hope you all have a good week! Pray for NO RAIN so we can continue to work in the fields.


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

More pictures of the shed

I took these pictures this afternoon around 4:00. The South side of the shed has a roof and the bottom part of the siding is up. They said they will be back tomorrow (Thursday) if it is not raining...I know fat chance! Hopefully, they will be back soon!!!!! It looks soooo big! (I wish their trailor was not in the middle of the driveway) Check back soon & Thanks for stopping by!


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Happy Anniversary Honey!

Today is our 8th wedding anniversary! It sure doesn't seem like 8 years. So much has changed in the last few, jobs (school), and dreams. Some dreams have come true, some dreams are in the works, and there is always more dreams/goals to work towards. I look forward to many more years of "work" with you, Scott!

October 2001

August 2009


Monday, October 19, 2009

Coming along....

Yes, the shed is coming along. They started on it last was a crappy week to start.....rain, rain and more rain. They were here 2.5 days last week....Short days I might add. Today, they made progress. Even Kayla noticed!
So, The real reason I am posting is not only for me but also for my dad! I wouldn't want him to miss out on anything!!! ;) I hope you enjoy these dad!

Days 1-3 (half days)

Day 4
The south side, (right side, dad) is just a lean-too for the truck, lawn mower, Bush-Hog, Back-hoe and such. Then there's the main part of the shed. The opening in the front is going to be a big insulated garage door. There is also a sliding door on the back. The north side, (left side) is our enclosed kitchen/bath/shower (also my hydraulic hair cutting chair) with a covered porch on the front. We are very excited to see the shed finally going up.....a dream of ours for about 8 years or so. Stay tuned for pictures as progress is made;)

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Chapstick.....white clothes...& washing don't mix!

Yes, I washed a tube of strawberry chapstick in with my clothes yesterday and dryed them without realizing it! I bleached it and it still didn't come I googled it and ....Whala dishsoap takes chapstick out!!! Thank goodness......My WHITE clinical shirt was spotted pink! Not anymore!


Saturday, October 10, 2009

The New Girl!

For the past year my sister and I have been trying to hold off on my niece Brookes only request..... she wanted her hair permed! So, we finally gave in and today I permed Brooke's hair! Brooke you look FANTASTIC!!!!!!!


Fall Cleaning

Last weekend Scott's sisters and I got together to clean at Harold and Clara's house! The boys were in the field. Clara made chicken on the grill, mashed tators, and noodles! It was all very good. We also celebrated Clara's Birthday! I won't tell you how OLD she is ;) LOL Here are some of the pictures that were taken.
This is a picture of all the grandkids that were present!
Me and Kaiden!!!


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The latest events

The last few months have certainly flown by. School has definately been keeping me busy.....working on some projects and studying for test. I'm still making A's & B's......and that's pretty good for this mom!
So Kayla is walking really well now. She still as a limp of sort but it's getting better. Things are slowly getting back to normal.
Scott and Kyle are getting into the harvest almost full blown....We have had some late night service calls through Newton Implement or Farm Pride....(whatever you want to call it). Kyle really enjoys the combine and two-ton this year.
A few weeks ago it was Homecoming here in Newton. I had the pleasure of assisting 3 of the 5 queen canidates with their hair......Jamie Mahaffey, Kimberlin Wallace, and our 2009 Homecoming queen Miss Lucy Emmerich!!! Congrats to Lucy! I finally got a queen ;) When I took the picture Jamie was no where in site...sorry were beautiful!

Mac has settled in to his new home and is growing!!!! The kids are much more comfortable with him now.....Kyle loves to run in the yard and play fetch with him!

Last Saturday on the 3rd of October I was able to work at the Health Fair at OCC for the OCC Radiography Program. It was neat to see all the people their helping others!

Last night Kayla and I went to the NCHS Volley for a Cure...a great success! And the girls beat Salem! They raised a bunch of money for the Susan G. Komen breast cancer foundation. What a great evening and a wonderful thing for the high school kids to be apart of!
A few weeks ago when Kayla was trying to walk I bribed her with an homemade ice cream cone, After she walked (by herself) I made her the icecream cone.....with chocolate on top!
September sure flew by i'm sure october will too! This week we have Parent/Teacher conferences so no school on Friday or on Monday for Columbus day! Yay!!! It will be Christmas before we know it! Until next time..............
