Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The price of soybeans!

Fall is my favorite time of the year! I love the colors, the weather, and the fact that I am getting ready to sign up for my LAST semester of classes...LOL.

School for us is going well. Kayla is flying into reading and math and although she is working hard, she is doing really well! Kyle is finally adjusting to Pre-K. We no longer have to leave him crying. Which has made the start to our day much easier. We are still stuggling a bit with him "being a big boy", each day is getting easier. Classes for me is still going well... I am AMAZINGLY still getting A's in my classes. Clinicals are also still going well too. Things are starting to "click" a little more everyday and my confidence level is growing by the minute! There are still a few days when I ask myself if I was crazy for going back to school but those moments are coming less and less often!

We have been teaching Kayla about helping out at home. She has been working hard at folding and putting their laundery away and sweeping the floors for me. Sometimes it would be easier to do it myself but what good would that do! She enjoys saving her money in her wallet!

Last month, Scott, the kids and I hosted a fall party for a bunch of our friends (12 adults and 13 kids) we grilled out on the grill and had a fire. My kids had a blast! It was our first "friend party" that we have hosted, and I think a good time was had by all!

I'll leave you with a funny story that sort of goes with the title of this post:

On the saturday of our party, the kids and I were playing around of the living room floor and I was picking on Kyle when I noticed a big chunck of wax in his ear.... I went to get a tweezers ( I know, thats not what I should have used) to get the wax out when I noticed that it was much smoother that what wax should be. I asked Kyle "Have you put anything in your ear lately?" Kyle said "ya mom, i put a bean in there!" I looked a little closer and noticed it was indeed a soybean! I asked Kyle "how long has the bean been in there?" He said "umm, about 5 days" I'm not sure if he really new that or he was making it up....but it was possible. So I made a few phone calls on how to go about getting the bean out of his ear and decided to use a hair pin and some veggie oil. After about 30 minutes I finally got the soybean out of his ear.....I was almost ready to put him in the van and go to the ER. That would have cost me about $500.00! Too bad I didn't get that price at the elevator when we sold our soybeans! Kyle told me I was "the best mom in the world" when I got the bean out..... That was a first, I normally hear "you're a mean mommy"!

Thanks for reading, until next time!

Happy Fall!


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