Saturday, August 29, 2009

Fun in St. Louis

Kayla had a Dr. Appointment with her surgen, Dr. Gordan, in St. Louis on Friday.......she got a very good report. We can see new bone growth on the x-ray and he said he wanted to see her again in a month. Hopefully, she can walk in to his office by then!
Since we had to go to St. Louis for the Dr. appointment we made it an all day trip and got St. Louis Cardinal tickets! We had seats in the bleachers behind the bullpin but got them upgraded to Wheelchair section. We were seated to the left of the fowl ball pole down the first base line! Great seats. We all had a great time, the kids did very well. Before the game we stopped at Union Station and ate at the Hard Rock Cafe. Then we went to the stadium.

Some nice lady offered to take our family picture!

Kayla wanted to take a picture of us and she took it!

Smoltz's warming up
Pujols at bat when he hit the game winning Home Run
Pujols crossing home plate
Fred Bird at the end of the game, the kids couldn't get enough of him!
We got to see an AWESOME game. Greene and pujols hit homeruns! Great Memories!


More work on the shed

So last weekend we trenched all of our water, sewer, and electrical lines to the new shed. We are so glad to have that done. So, now we are just waiting on Niebrugge Lumber to start building. They should be around in the next week or two, hopefully! Here are a few pictures that I took. Thanks to Gary, Dusty, Jake, and Fisher, OH-- Scott and Kyle too.
We had a nice evening on Saturday evening. We decided to have a wiener roast after the lines were all trenched.....It was a great night to sit around the fire. Thanks to everyone for all your help!

Until next time.....

Friday, August 21, 2009

Off to School

I sent my brave little girl off to school today......I asked her if she was scared, nervous or excited, she said excited! I wish it would have been more traditional with a bus and all but it all went good. The bus however did stop at our house this morning....Paul must have forgot.....but I think he remembered when I waved him on! She sure doesn't look like she has a broken leg does she?
Kayla mommy and daddy are so proud of you for being so brave this last
couple of weeks!
We Love You!


Monday, August 17, 2009

Trying out the wheelchair

I got Kayla up and in her wheelchair today. She didn't want to.....but now she is having a ball. She even knows how to turn around and stuff! School may be a posibility now!


Sunday, August 16, 2009

Pictures of the x-rays

Things are going well, Mom got out of the house last night to enjoy some time with family and friends at my cousins wedding. Congratulations to Adam and Jaclyn Jansen! We were able to take Kayla's Bandage off today and give her a bath. It was a little rough but we made it! I also wanted to post her x-rays that were taken right befor surgery and during or right after.

This last one is after the surgery. The knee is at the bottom of the x-ray. That is where the nails went in. Tapped in with a hammer! They cut the x-ray off before the break....hopefully I'll get a copy of it at a later time. AMAZING isn't it? Enjoy your day!


Saturday, August 15, 2009

More pictures

Here are a few more pictures of the hospital. The 8th Floor had a Garden. It was beautiful.

This is a view out of the window on the 3rd floor (i think) This is the caf. or dining room. Kayla wanted a picture of the balloon.

This was just taken a little while ago. She has everything she needs. Thanks for all the thoughts, prayers and the gifts! They are all very much appreciated!


Different lil' girl

So, last night was a good night......Kayla only woke up once because of a little accident and to get her meds. Her Tylenol and Oxycodone is lasting about 5 hours.

So, I'll fill you in on the time line of this adventure. I think the fell took place around 6:30-7. We called 911 immediately, We also called our brother in law (Gary L) he is on the rescue squad. Gary showed up first and then the ambulance. They loaded her up and Kayla and I rode to Effingham in the ambulance. She slept all they way to Effingham. We got to ER and got our favorite nurse.....Marcia Street. They ambulance went back to Newton to switch drivers and fill up and came back to Effingham to get us and take us to Children's in St. Louis. (It was cheaper for us to us Jasper county) We arrived at Children's at about midnight. (Long rough ride, Kayla slept) The Doctor finally came in to see her and they took more x-rays and he straightened her leg a little and then tied 6 pounds of weight to the bottom of her foot. To keep is straight and to pull the bones away from the muscles. You can see it in the pictures below. She got taken to her room on the 12th floor (10th floor was full) at around 4:00 am Thursday morning

These first two pictures were taken on Thursday before surgery.

She was waking up about every five minutes from the pain. She was having muscle spasms.

They had her on Morphine and Valium (Sp?)

Her first gift! That is a small smile

They finally came and got her for Surgery around 2:15-2:30. That was the hardest thing..... Scott, my dad and I were all crying like babies. I kept telling myself not to cry infront of her but it was so hard. Surgery only took about 1 hour and 10 minutes. During that time, Scott and I went down to the computers and put up an update on my blog and then went to the caf. to eat (our first meal since it happened) We went back to recovery and sat down for 5 min (maybe) and they called and said everything went great and that we could go see her.

The top picture is right after surgery

The bottom picture is Friday morning.

She had some special visitors, Doctor ICU.....a clown. She was in some pain so she wasn't really in to him! Also, She had a four-legged dalmation puppy come in for a visit too. Again, she didn't really care! This all happened on Thursday before Surgery.

My brother Steve came over on Thursday evening to get my dad and take him home. Then we all settled down and got some much needed sleep on Thursday night, she only woke up twice. The nurses didn't bother us at all unless we needed them. Friday morning she was up early, much earlier than Scott and I were ready for. She ate breakfast and I went down to floor #8 to get some crafts and books for her. Our biggest problem on Thursday night and Friday was trying to get her to let us take her in the bathroom to go potty. The physical Therapist came in around noon on Friday and with a bit more of a challenge we got her up and in a wheel chair and took her to see the rest of the hospital. It was definately a challenge. Then dad came back with new clothes and undies (they had to cut her clothes off of her at Effingham) we finally get her up and on the toilet and took another stroll around the hospital just to show dad. Then, they gave us our walking papers! On the way home we stopped at Grandma Sandy's house to wash her hair, and to see all of her cousins. (Thanks guys) Then we finally got to go see Kyle......We were all missing him! Then we went on home and slept. It's great to be home!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Home Sweet Home

We are pictures tomorrow!


On the mend

Good Morning! Kayla had a good night. She is on Tylonol and oxycodine??? Not sure about that last one. She is off the morphine. Slept very well, as did I. (the power of IB Profen) She was up at 6 this morning. She ate bacon and eggs, yogut and choc milk for breakfast. She has finally let us sit her up in bed.....she is scared that if she moves it is going to hurt. I think once that fear is gone......we will wish it was back! She got to talk to julie, nancy, grandma and granpa Kocher and Linda and the daycare kids! Busy morning!!! But well needed! She will have physical therapy this morning and hopefully be on our way home this afternoon! Again, Thanks for all they well wishes! I did happen to have my camera in my purse :) and have been taking pictures. I will get them posted as soon as I get home! Until next time........


Thursday, August 13, 2009


Kayla got out of surgery about 3:45 or so. It went great. 2 nails put in and no cast...and she will not have a cast either. AMAZING! She is still sleeping at this time she did wake up and gave us both a big hug. Her pain is not near as bad. Still has morphin in her. resting comforable! Doc says she can put weight on it when ever she is ready, but she will be scared to do so. It may be 3 weeks before she can get around. She can go to school in a wheelchair if she is ready.
Thank you all so much for the prayers (I heard you Face Book) LOL They were all felt. Jasper county is great. Thanks so much to the Jasper County Ambulance crew...Julie and her husband...sorry can't remember your name! You were great and made me feel so much better. Also, to Thanks Gary lindemann and Fish Head!!!LOL for being so fast! Kayla let everyone know that Kyle pushed her off the slide and put a hole in her pool this week. LOL I'm sure this is only one of many! We both feel so much better. God is GREAT! I'll keep you posted!


First Broken Bone......

Kyle pushed Kayla off the slide last night and she broke her femur bone up high. she is in surgery now at Childrens (GREAT PLACE) I will try tokeep you all posted if Kayla allows me to. thanks for all the prayers they are being felt!


Monday, August 10, 2009

"Major" problem

Yesterday afternoon, Scott was spraying the beans behind the house and I was making super(steak, and corn on the cob!) for my parents. They were coming for a visit, they don't make it over too often and but we love it when they do come. We try to always make steak and such. Anyways, Kayla comes running into the house and says "Mom, we have a major problem, Kyle poked a hole in the pool" So we ran out and checked it and there was about a 2 inch gash in it. Scott shoved a garbage bag through it hoping it would hold until we found some glue and a patch...... Not much luck. Scott went out to check it when mom and dad left and it only had a foot of water in it! It also had a hole in the top ring so, needless to say we may try to get an end of the year deal at walmart.
*** I forgot to mention that Kyle drove his battery operated Rhino into the pool!!! He said Kayla (who was in the pool) wash going to wash his Rhino!


The shed is coming along

The concrete work for our shed started last week Thursday and Friday and continued today. They should only have a day or two left depending on the rain. So I'm going to post the pictures that I have taken so far. They are ready to pour the walls tomorrow morning and they will pour the porch last. Our Shed is 40 X 30 foot with a 16 foot lean too on each side. The north side lean too is going to have 3/4 of it enclosed and the other part is going to be a porch. (really nice size porch) The first two pictures are them trenching the footers.

This is them laying the orange water lines that heat and cool the concrete (eventually anyways)

They are pouring the concrete in the enclosed portion of the shed (the kitchen and bath area).

Gramps stopped by to watch the guys work, so I got him a nice chair and a glass of tea. Hope he enjoyed it!
More pictures to come!!!!!!!!


Saturday, August 8, 2009

Working too hard

I didn't get to go to the bridal shower today, Sorry Sarah! I had to help my husband at the farm. He has been working so hard. So, I have been helping in any way I can. I wish I had more muscle! He's been working on the farm solo the last few months. I guess 50/50 isn't 50/50 anymore. Looks like we are giving 100%. In the long run it will be worth it. Scott is giving his parents everything he can and not looking back! Reminds me of my dad, only back in the day, I didn't think it was fair, all work no play. It's a pride thing, I get it now. Thanks Grandpa Gary! Love you!

Final Grades

I finally recieved my final grades for my first semester in the Rad program! 3- A's and 2 - B's ! So my overall GPA is a 3.82! She only bumped up one of my B's to an A. That's better than nothing!
The concrete for the shed is moving along. They have the forms, insulation, wire, and the pipe (for the heated floor) all in and ready for the concrete to be poured on Monday. And hopefully they will back on tuesday to pour the walls.
We have a bridal shower to go to today and then we are heading to Montrose campground to visit some family and friends and listen to some good music! Hope everyone out there is having a good weekend. I can't believe the summer is about over!
Until next time.....


Thursday, August 6, 2009

Exciting Day!

Today has been an exciting day already and it's only 1:20pm! Smithenry Trenching is starting our concrete work today for our shed! So we took the afternoon off to watch!

Also I got my clinical assignment via email today. I get to go to St. Anthony's with Ronda Jansen. I an super excited about that!

Pictures of the shed will follow soon!
