Monday, August 10, 2009

"Major" problem

Yesterday afternoon, Scott was spraying the beans behind the house and I was making super(steak, and corn on the cob!) for my parents. They were coming for a visit, they don't make it over too often and but we love it when they do come. We try to always make steak and such. Anyways, Kayla comes running into the house and says "Mom, we have a major problem, Kyle poked a hole in the pool" So we ran out and checked it and there was about a 2 inch gash in it. Scott shoved a garbage bag through it hoping it would hold until we found some glue and a patch...... Not much luck. Scott went out to check it when mom and dad left and it only had a foot of water in it! It also had a hole in the top ring so, needless to say we may try to get an end of the year deal at walmart.
*** I forgot to mention that Kyle drove his battery operated Rhino into the pool!!! He said Kayla (who was in the pool) wash going to wash his Rhino!


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