Saturday, August 15, 2009

Different lil' girl

So, last night was a good night......Kayla only woke up once because of a little accident and to get her meds. Her Tylenol and Oxycodone is lasting about 5 hours.

So, I'll fill you in on the time line of this adventure. I think the fell took place around 6:30-7. We called 911 immediately, We also called our brother in law (Gary L) he is on the rescue squad. Gary showed up first and then the ambulance. They loaded her up and Kayla and I rode to Effingham in the ambulance. She slept all they way to Effingham. We got to ER and got our favorite nurse.....Marcia Street. They ambulance went back to Newton to switch drivers and fill up and came back to Effingham to get us and take us to Children's in St. Louis. (It was cheaper for us to us Jasper county) We arrived at Children's at about midnight. (Long rough ride, Kayla slept) The Doctor finally came in to see her and they took more x-rays and he straightened her leg a little and then tied 6 pounds of weight to the bottom of her foot. To keep is straight and to pull the bones away from the muscles. You can see it in the pictures below. She got taken to her room on the 12th floor (10th floor was full) at around 4:00 am Thursday morning

These first two pictures were taken on Thursday before surgery.

She was waking up about every five minutes from the pain. She was having muscle spasms.

They had her on Morphine and Valium (Sp?)

Her first gift! That is a small smile

They finally came and got her for Surgery around 2:15-2:30. That was the hardest thing..... Scott, my dad and I were all crying like babies. I kept telling myself not to cry infront of her but it was so hard. Surgery only took about 1 hour and 10 minutes. During that time, Scott and I went down to the computers and put up an update on my blog and then went to the caf. to eat (our first meal since it happened) We went back to recovery and sat down for 5 min (maybe) and they called and said everything went great and that we could go see her.

The top picture is right after surgery

The bottom picture is Friday morning.

She had some special visitors, Doctor ICU.....a clown. She was in some pain so she wasn't really in to him! Also, She had a four-legged dalmation puppy come in for a visit too. Again, she didn't really care! This all happened on Thursday before Surgery.

My brother Steve came over on Thursday evening to get my dad and take him home. Then we all settled down and got some much needed sleep on Thursday night, she only woke up twice. The nurses didn't bother us at all unless we needed them. Friday morning she was up early, much earlier than Scott and I were ready for. She ate breakfast and I went down to floor #8 to get some crafts and books for her. Our biggest problem on Thursday night and Friday was trying to get her to let us take her in the bathroom to go potty. The physical Therapist came in around noon on Friday and with a bit more of a challenge we got her up and in a wheel chair and took her to see the rest of the hospital. It was definately a challenge. Then dad came back with new clothes and undies (they had to cut her clothes off of her at Effingham) we finally get her up and on the toilet and took another stroll around the hospital just to show dad. Then, they gave us our walking papers! On the way home we stopped at Grandma Sandy's house to wash her hair, and to see all of her cousins. (Thanks guys) Then we finally got to go see Kyle......We were all missing him! Then we went on home and slept. It's great to be home!

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