I recieved the following email from my aunt this past week. I have two cousins and their family's are affected by this. I know that there are a lot of people out there that are stalking my blog;) So please help us and send some emails and let the legislators know how important these pelople are to us! This is very important to my family. THANKS
Just wanted to update you on what's going on with the funding for the developmentally disabled, from which Beverly gets funding for her program at ARC. I attended a meeting at ARC last night--about 100 in attendance. We were give facts and figures as to the size of our problem. They are indeed
asking for 1.5 million to be cut from ARC's funding.
It is assumed the Governor is using the cutting of funds to the most vulnerable of the state's citizens as a way to get a tax increase. Today a group (85) gathered at David Reis's office in Olney to protest the cuts. Tomorrow a group will be gathered at John O. Jones in Mt. Vernon to do the same. Next Tuesday we will be going to Springfield to a rally to support the developmentally disabled. ARC executive director and the board president emphasized the importantance of more emails and faxes. I hate to be a bother to you, but if you would email or fax (they say faxes are good) everyday or as often as you can, I would appreciate it. Last night we were given a list of our local represention and the five key people responsible for this budget. I will list them below.
All you need do is email and say "Please do not cut funding for the developmentally disabled." You might even mention that Illinois is ranked 51st out of 51 states (includes District of Columbia as a state) in funding--that means Illinois has less funding than anyone!! They will be in session again on Tuesday--so time is so important. I know everyone is busy--but I would appreciate your help.
Senator John O. Jones
Phone: 618-242-951
Fax: 618-242-9516> email:
johnojones@sbcglobal.netSenator Kyle McCarter
Phone: 217-428-4068
Fax: 217-428-4089> email:
mccarter51@att.netSenator Dale Righter
Phone: 217-235-6033
Fax: 217-235-6052> email:
drighter@consolidated.netRepresentative Roger Eddy
Phone: 618-563-4128
Fax: 618-563-4129> emailL: reddyunit1.aol.com
Representative David Reis
Phone: 618-392-0108
Fax: 618-392-0107> email:
david@davidreis.orgSpeaker of the House Michael Madigan
Phone: 217-782-5350
Fax: 217-524-1794> email:
mmadigan@hds.ilga.govGovernor Pat Quinn> Phone: 217-782-0244>
www.illinois.gov/GOV/contactthegovernor.cfmSenate Minority Leader Christine Radogno> Phone: 217-782-9404> Fax: 217-782-7818> no email provided
Senate President John Cullerton> Phone: 217-782-7260> Fax: 217-782-3242> no email provided
House Minority Leader Tom Cross> Phone: 217-782-1331> Fax: 217-782-3234> no email provided
I know we are all busy, but please take the time to do this~
Thank you all very much!