Thursday, April 2, 2009

Happy Birthday

Well, I forgot to mention that yesterday, April Fools Day, was my sister-in-law, Amy's birthday. Amy is a wonderful S-I-L. There have been times when I call her and ask her if we can come live with her! She always says- Yes (crazy isn't she!). Sometimes you just need to get out of Newton and away from.......things. So Amy, I just wanted you to know.....That we think of you often and you are not forgotten....and I hope you had a great birthday. Scott and the kids had every intention to give you an EARLY phone call(like the old days), but they were running late that morning.

Also, my sister, Julie's Birthday is today. I called her earlier to wish a happy birthday, but I just wanted to announce it to the rest of the world! Julie, you are always there when I need to vent....... about my wonderful crazy life......... THANKS. Your a great daughter, wife, mother, sister and friend. Hope you had a great day! Luv Ya.


1 comment:

  1. No, no Julie's birthday is April Fool's Day too!! I'm sure she would disagree!! Tell Julio Happy Belated for me!!
